Do you want to find out who owns a property? With the e-service Who Owns the Property you can easily and quickly find the answer. This e-service is only available in Swedish.
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What can I do in this service?
In Who Owns the Property, you can log in with Bank ID to see who owns a property. You search for a property designation and get back the name and address of the owner.
If you do not know the property designation, you can find it in the My Map e-service. Click on the relevant property and the property designation will be displayed.
What does a property designation look like?
Each property has a unique property designation that consists of three parts: municipality followed by the name of the district or block and a register number. Here are two examples of what property designations can look like;
- Stockholm Söder 75:2
- Gävle Abborren 1
If you do not get any search hits in the service, one of the three parts in the property designation you entered is probably missing.
Who is this service for?
Who Owns the Property is primarily aimed at private individuals who, for purely private reasons, want to find out who owns a property. But the service may be used by:
- Private individuals
- You who in your professional role sell property, for example a broker
Regardless of who you are, your purpose for using the service must be either "private treatment" or "turnover of such property as is registered in the land register". You can read more about what this means in the terms of the service. By agreeing to the terms of use of the service, you certify that the personal data shall be used for any of these purposes.
Due to the prohibition of third-country transfer of personal data in the GDPR, you who want to use the service must log in from a country within the EU, EEA or Switzerland and agree to the terms of the service.
You need to log in with Bank ID
According to the Act (2000:224) on property registers, you must certify that the personal data you can see in the service must be used according to a valid purpose. Additionally, each user is limited to making 5 searches in 24 hours.
Why can I only search 5 times in 24 hours?
In order to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and to ensure that the personal data contained in the service is not used in a way that damages the privacy of the data subjects, there is a limitation on how many searches may be made within a 24-hour period per user.
Handling of personal data
The login you make with your Bank ID is only used because:
- Lantmäteriet must be able to know that you have certified that the personal data you can see in the service must be used according to a valid purpose.
- Lantmäteriet must be able to check that you do not search more than 5 times a day.
Lantmäteriet does not save logs of which properties you have searched for. Read more about how Lantmäteriet handles personal data.
More information about properties that you own
This service is not for finding information about the properties you own. Use the My Property e-service instead.
Why does my personal data appear in this service?
Since you are a property owner, your details are in the property register. Lantmäteriet is responsible for the property register and, according to the principle of public access to official records, must answer the question of who owns a property by releasing individual documents.