If you are dissatisfied with a decision regarding a registration matter

If you are not satisfied with Lantmäteriet's decision in a matter concerning registration of ownership, mortgage, registration of site leasehold, expedition fee, or stamp duty, you may appeal the decision. Decisions in a cadastral proceeding are appealed according to the instructions provided in the decision.

Submit your appeal in writing

The appeal should be addressed to the district court but must be submitted or sent to Lantmäteriet. This is because Lantmäteriet first conducts a review, meaning to verify that the appeal has been submitted on time. If the appeal has been submitted within the deadline, Lantmäteriet will forward the appeal to the district court.

Your request must always be sent or submitted in writing to Lantmäteriet.
Letters shall be sent to Lantmäteriet Fastighetsinskrivning, 761 80 Norrtälje.
E-mails shall be sent to fastighetsinskrivning@lm.se.
You can also submit your request at one of our offices.

This appeal must contain

An appeal must contain information about:

  • the decision being appealed (for example, property designation and case number)
  • which part of the decision is being appealed and what change you want
  • the grounds for the appeal (why you believe the decision is incorrect)
  • the evidence invoked and what you want to prove with each piece of evidence.

Specific requirements for different types of appeals may apply. They are described on this page.

Is an appeal needed or is a correction sufficient?

In some cases, instead of appealing the decision, you can request a correction of an incorrect entry in the land register. One condition is that the inaccuracy is obvious and that it is due to Lantmäteriet's or someone else's typographical error, similar oversight, or a technical error. Decisions in a correction case will be made by Lantmäteriet.

More information for appealing decisions regarding registration matters

By registration matter, we mean matters concerning registration of ownership, mortgage, annotations, registration of site leasehold, and registration of contractual rights.

Here is a summary of deadlines, references to sections in legislation, and any additional information about requirements for your request concerning registration matters:

Correction of entry in the Land Register

There is no deadline for when you need to submit your request for correction.

Sections in legislation: Chapter 19, Section 22(1) of the Land Code

Appeal of final decisions (dismissal, refusal, granting) or
decisions on suspension

Your appeal needs to reach us no later than three weeks from the day the notification of the decision was made available to the applicant (see the date on the notification), or four weeks from the registration date when the decision was announced.

The appeal should be addressed to the district court responsible for the area where the property is located but must be submitted to Lantmäteriet. If you do not know which district court the property belongs to, you can search by the property's postal code on the website of the Swedish Courts (new window).

Sections in legislation: Chapter 19, Sections 32 and 34 of the Land Code

More information for appealing stamp duty decisions

You can request a change in stamp duty if the decision is obviously incorrect, for example, due to new circumstances, and the decision can be changed quickly and easily. Decisions in a stamp duty change case will be made by Lantmäteriet.

It is also possible to appeal a stamp duty decision. In this case, it is the district court that determines if the stamp duty decision is incorrect. For information on what needs to be included in the appeal, see information on appealing decisions in registration matters above.

Here is a summary of deadlines, references to sections in legislation, and any additional information about requirements for your request concerning stamp duty decisions:

Change of stamp duty

There is no deadline for when you need to submit your request for a change in stamp duty.

Sections in legislation: Section 37 (a) of the Stamp Duty Act

Recovery of stamp duty

Recovery of stamp duty means that you do not have to pay tax, or you can get back the tax you have already paid. This may be relevant if registration of ownership, registration of site leasehold, or mortgage has been revoked, meaning no longer applicable, as decided by Lantmäteriet or a court judgment. It may also be relevant if the tax you have already paid has not been fully deducted in a so-called transfer purchase, according to Section 7 of the Stamp Duty Act.

Your request for recovery of stamp duty needs to reach us within three years from the date the tax was decided, and no later than one year after the reason for recovery occurred.

Sections in legislation: Sections 36-37 of the Stamp Duty Act

Deferral of payment of stamp duty

Your request for deferral of payment of stamp duty needs to reach us at the earliest when registration of ownership is sought, and no later than one year after the tax has been determined.

Sections in legislation: Sections 32 (a)-(b) of the Stamp Duty Act

Appeal against the determination of stamp duty, additional taxation, and recovery

Your appeal needs to reach us no later than three years from the decision date.

The appeal must be addressed to the district court responsible for the area where the property is located but should be submitted to Lantmäteriet. If you do not know which district court your property belongs to, you can search by the property's postal code on the website of the Swedish Courts (new window).

Sections in legislation: Section 39 of the Stamp Duty Act

Appeal against other decisions regarding stamp duty

This includes, for example, deferral under Section 32 (a), postponement of payment under Section 32, and imposition of fines under Section 28 of the Stamp Duty Act. Your appeal needs to reach us no later than three weeks from the day the notification was made available to the applicant (see the date on the notification), or four weeks from the registration date when the decision was announced.

The appeal must be addressed to the district court responsible for the area where the property is located but needs to be submitted to Lantmäteriet. If you do not know which district court your property belongs to, you can search by the property's postal code on the website of the Swedish Courts (new window).

Sections in legislation: Section 38 of the Stamp Duty Act and Chapter 19, Section 34 of the Land Code

More information for appealing expedition fee decisions

You can also appeal or request a correction of an expedition fee decision.

Here is a summary of deadlines, references to sections in legislation, and any additional information about requirements for your request concerning expedition fee:

Appeal against expedition fee decisions

Your appeal needs to reach us within one year from the day you paid the fee. You can also submit your appeal before you have paid the fee.

Expedition fee decisions needs to be appealed to the Swedish Tax Agency but must be sent to Lantmäteriet. The receipt should be attached to the letter.

Sections in legislation: Section 24 of the Registration Ordinance

Correction of expedition fee

There is no time limit for when you need to submit your request for correction of the expedition fee.

Section in the legal text: Sections 36-39 of the Administrative Procedure Act

Have you missed the deadline for appeal?

If you have not appealed a decision within the statutory time limit and it is due to something beyond your control, such as postal issues or serious illness preventing you from appealing on time, you can apply for what is known as reinstatement of the missed deadline. If the application is granted, this means that a new deadline for appeal will commence.

The application for reinstatement of the missed deadline is made in writing to the Court of Appeal. The application must have been submitted within one year from the expiration of the appeal period, and no later than three weeks from the cessation of the obstacle preventing you from submitting the appeal.

Reinstatement of the missed deadline is regulated in Sections 11-13 of Chapter 58 of the Code of Judicial Procedure. For more information on the application for reinstatement of the missed deadline, you can also contact the Court of Appeal responsible for the area where your property is located.

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