Application by a deed of gift

When you have received a property or a site leasehold as a gift, you must apply for registration of ownership. You do this to register that you are the owner. It must be done within three months after receiving the property or site leasehold.

Apply through the e-service or by post

Choose whether you want to use our e-service or submit the application by post.

How to apply through our e-service or by post.

Cost for a gift

When receiving a gift, you pay an expedition fee, but you may also need to pay tax to the state (stamp duty).

About stamp duty and fees.

If you have given away or received a property or a site leasehold

If you have given away or received a property or a site leasehold, the application must include:

  • Application for registration of ownership for the person who has received the property or site leasehold. The application must include the official designation of the property (e.g., Gävle Torp 1:1).
  • Original deed of gift. If it is a gift between spouses, the deed of gift must first be registered with the Swedish Tax Agency, the Marriage Registry, before submitting it to us.
  • If there are conditions in the deed of gift, such as taking over loans, you must also include a document showing that the condition has been fulfilled.

What must the deed of gift contain?

  • The complete property designation must be included (for example, Gävle Torp 1:1).
  • It must clearly state that the donor is transferring the property. Additionally, it must indicate whether it is the entire property or only a share being transferred (for example, ½ if it is half).
  • The deed of gift must be signed by both the donor and the recipient.
  • The donor's signature must be witnessed by two individuals.

Example of a deed of gift (in Swedish, pdf, new window). Lantmäteriet is a regulatory agency and, therefore, cannot provide guidance in the preparation of a deed of gift.

    A written consent may be required

    If the donor is married

    If the donor is married, a written consent from the donor’s spouse must be included. The consent can be provided either within the deed of gift or in a separate document.

    If the property is separate property, acquired through gift, will, or prenuptial agreement, a copy of that document can be submitted instead.

    If the donor is divorced

    If the donor is divorced but was married during the time of owning the property, consent may still be required from the former spouse.

    If the property has been divided due to divorce, a copy of the property division agreement can be submitted instead.

    If the property is separate property, acquired through gift, will, or prenuptial agreement, a copy of that document can be submitted instead.

    If the property is the most recent shared residence

    If the property is the most recent shared residence for the donor's spouse or former spouse, a prenuptial agreement is not sufficient. A consent is still required. The most recent shared residence is the address where they were last registered together.

    If there is a condition in the deed of gift

    If there is a condition in the deed of gift regarding taking over a loan or providing compensation for the gift, a document must be submitted showing that the loan has been taken over or that the donor has received the compensation.

    If the payment is made through a promissory note, a copy of the promissory note must be submitted. If the loans or compensation amount to 85 percent or more of the previous year's assessed value, the gift is subject to stamp duty, which means that stamp duty must be paid.

    If the property or site leasehold has no assessed value

    If the property or site leasehold has no assessed value for the previous year, you need to include a valuation certificate. Even if the property or site leasehold has been assigned an assessed value during the current year, it cannot be used as the basis for calculating stamp duty.

    A valuation certificate must be issued by an expert, such as an authorized real estate appraiser, qualified property appraiser, or real estate agent who conducts valuation assessments. The certificate needs to contain information about the estimated assessed value of the property or leasehold at the time the deed of gift was signed.

    If the property's type code or assessed value has changed

    Normally, a tax certificate does not need to be submitted with the application. It is only if the assessed value or type code has changed (for the year prior to the year in which registration of ownership is sought) that you need to include a tax certificate showing the updated information.

    The type of code indicates the type of property, such as a year-round residence or agricultural property.

    If you have received a part of a property

    • If you have received a part a property that is to be divided from someone else's property, the following documents need to be submitted:
    • Application for registration of ownership for the person who has received a portion of the property. The application should include the official designation of the parent property (e.g., Gävle Torp 1:1).
    • Original deed of gift. If it is a gift between spouses, the deed of gift must first be registered with the Swedish Tax Agency, the Marriage Registry, before submitting it to us.
    • If there are conditions in the deed of gift, such as taking over loans, you should also include a document showing that the condition has been fulfilled.

    If the application is submitted before the property is formed

    Since the property is not formed at the processing of the application of registration of ownership, it cannot be granted. If there are no other deficiencies in the case, Lantmäteriet will issue a decision to temporary hold the registration (dormant registration decision).

    A dormant registration decision means that you secure your ownership rights to the area while the partition is ongoing (protecting you against the seller selling the area again).

    When the partition is complete and the new property is formed, the case will be reconsidered, and full registration will be granted for the new property.

    Note that this involves double expedition fees of SEK 825 each, both a fee for the decision on dormant registration and a fee for the decision on full registration. Additionally, there may be an applicable stamp duty fee.

    If the application is submitted after the property is formed

    If the application is received after the new property is formed, it is sufficient to provide the designation of the new property in the application. Registration of ownership will be granted if the formal requirements and other conditions are met.

    If the application for registration of ownership is made after the new property is formed, only one expedition fee of SEK 825 is charged, plus any applicable stamp duty fee. In these cases, it is sufficient for the new property designation to be stated indeed of gift.

    What must the deed of gift contain?

    • The complete designation of the parent property must be included (e.g., Gävle Torp 1:1).
    • It must be clearly state that the donor is transferring a portion of the property or what remains of the property after the cadastral proceeding (excluding an area). The area should also be described in detail, preferably on a map.
    • The deed of gift must be signed by both the donor and the recipient.
    • The donor's signature must be witnessed by two individuals.

    A written consent may be required

    If the donor is married

    If the donor is married, a written consent from the donor’s spouse must be included. The consent can be provided either within the deed of gift or in a separate document.

    If the property is separate property, acquired through gift, will, or prenuptial agreement, a copy of that document can be submitted instead.

    If the donor is divorced

    If the donor is divorced but was married during the time of owning the property, consent may still be required from the former spouse.

    If the property has been divided due to divorce, a copy of the property division agreement can be submitted instead.

    If the property is separate property, acquired through gift, will, or prenuptial agreement, a copy of that document can be submitted instead.

    If the property is the most recent shared residence

    If the property is the most recent shared residence for the donor's spouse or former spouse, a prenuptial agreement is not sufficient. A consent is still required. The most recent shared residence is the address where they were last registered together.

    If the property lacks assessed value

    If neither the property nor the site leasehold has any assessed value from the year before you apply for registration of ownership, you need to include a value certificate. This is necessary for us to determine the stamp duty, which is established by comparing the compensation for the gift with the assessed value from the year before the application is approved.

    Even if the property has received an assessed value during the current year, it cannot be the basis for calculating stamp duty.

    A value certificate must be issued by an expert, such as a bank official, real estate agent, or another authorized appraiser. The certificate should contain information about the estimated assessed value of the property or site leasehold at the time of the deed of gift.

    There may be situations where you need to include a value certificate, even if there is an assessed value from the previous year.

    Situations when you may need to include a value certificate:

    • The property that you receive as a gift is jointly assessed with several other properties.
    • The property that you receive as a gift is a subdivision from another property, and the assessed value registered also applies to the other property.

    Apply for a cadastral procedure

    You must apply for subdivision or other cadastral procedures within six months from the date the deed of gift was prepared, otherwise, the gift becomes invalid.

    If the cadastral procedures are already completed, you should specify the new property designation in the application and in the deed of gift.

    Apply and learn more about cadastral procedure.

    If you have received an agricultural property unit in a sparsely populated area

    Read about what applies if you have received a property taxed as an agricultural property unit located in a sparsely populated area.

    Questions and answers

    Lantmäteriet provides general information when you start a case or seek information about our operations. For example, it could be about how you apply for deed, land right, contractual easement or which e-services and forms should be used.

    It can also be about which documents you need to send with your application. You can also order extracts from our registers.

    It is not part of Lantmäteriet's mission to give advice on, for example, how a property division or inheritance should be carried out, on tax planning or to give advice on how regulations or older decisions can be interpreted. We also cannot give advance notice in cases.

    If you need help with your questions, get suggestions on the appropriate course of action or help with interpreting or creating legal documents, we refer you to the private market via external advisers or agents.

    If you want your spouse to become a partner, the application must include:

    • application for legal registration for your spouse.
    • purchase document in original. A purchase document can, for example, be a letter of purchase or a purchase contract.

    Requirements for the purchase document:

    • The property's complete property designation must be included (for example Gävle Torp 1: 1).
    • It must be clear that the seller is transferring the property. In addition, it must be stated whether it is the entire property or only a share that is transferred (for example ½ if it is half).
    • The purchase price must be included.
    • The purchase document must be signed by both seller and buyer.
    • The seller's signature must be witnessed by two people.

    You who have protected personal data can make your application via our e-service or by sending your application by post.

    In the e-service, you need to enter your name manually as confidential information is not displayed to the user of the e-service.

    Read about what applies if you have protected personal data on the Swedish Tax Agency's website (in Swedish, new window).

    A certified copy means that a photocopy has been taken of the original. On the photocopy you write that the copy corresponds to the original and your signature.

    Contents of this page may be automatically translated, we take no responsibility for the accuracy of the translation. Feel free to contact our customer support centre if you have any questions.

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