Application for cancellation of a mortgage and the written mortgage certificate related to it

It is possible for you to make this application if the mortgage certificate is older than ten years and has not been used in any mortgage case in the last ten years. All the property owners must apply together. The application fee is 500 SEK and needs to be paid when you apply.


The following property /site leasehold owners hereby apply, according to Section 20 of the Cancellation of lost documents act (2011:900), that the following mortgage / -es shall be cancelled without the mortgage documents being submitted. The whereabouts of the valuable documents is unknown.

Note that the form is reset after 20 minutes of inactivity.

*) indicates required fields

Property / site leasehold

State all the properties that the mortgage certificates relate to.

(For more than five properties, fill them in the Other information field.)


Applicant 1

Applicant 2

(If there are more than two applicants fill in the information under Other information)

Proxy / contact


State all the mortgages that shall be cancelled in connection to the properties that you have registered.

Mortgage 1

Mortgage 2

Mortgage 3

Mortgage 4

Mortgage 5

Mortgage 6

Mortgage 7

Mortgage 8

Mortgage 9

Mortgage 10

Since more than ten years has passed since the mortgage document /-s was submitted to Lantmäteriet in a mortgage case, we apply to cancel the mortgage /-s though they cannot be submitted.

When Lantmäteriet collects personal data, the authority must provide information about the processing of personal data that is done. The information can be found on the website or by contacting the Customer Center on telephone number 0771‑63 63 63.

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