Exchange written mortgage certificates for electronic mortgage certificates

Written mortgage certificates that are not mortgaged can be converted to (exchanged for) electronic mortgage certificates. They are then owner registered on behalf of the registered owner of the property / site leasehold. An electronic mortgage certificate can never be destroyed or lost.

This is what you do

Fill out the form and send it to us together with your mortgage bond (debt instrument issued before 1972) or your written mortgage certificate.

Information page: Convert written mortgage certificates to owner-registered electronic mortgage certificates (pdf, new window).

What happens after the application has been submitted?

When you have sent us the mortgage certificate and we are done with the conversion you as the registered owner of the property / site leasehold will receive a written notice from us. If you would like us to, we can return the cancelled mortgage certificate or mortgage bond to you provided that the mortgage certificate was issued before 1972.

Keep in mind that it is only the old original document of the mortgage certificate that can be returned to you. That means if the mortgage certificate has been converted before and a printout has been made then it is no longer possible to have the original document returned to you.

The mortgage certificate that is not mortgaged will be registered to the owner at Lantmäteriet. Read more about owner registration. If the mortgage certificates are mortgaged, they will be registered to the lender’s mortgagee number. If you contact Lantmäteriet directly the conversion and owner registration is free of charge.

If you want to know if the electronic mortgage certificates are owner registered, then you can contact our Section for support to the Electronic mortgage certificate system (Kreditmarknadsservice) by phone +46 (0) 26-63 48 00.

When is a written mortgage certificate needed?

If the mortgage certificate is going to be used as safety with someone who is not connected to the Electronic mortgage certificate system a written mortgage certificate is needed. For example, if you borrow money from a relative or a foreign lender.

If you are unsure about whether your lender can handle electronic mortgage certificates, contact our Section for support to the Electronic mortgage certificate system (Kreditmarknadsservice) at Lantmäteriet in Gävle, at +46 (0) 26-63 48 00 or e-mail

Exchange an electronic mortgage certificate to a written one

Do you want to exchange an electronic mortgage certificate for a written mortgage certificate? Then you need to apply for a printout of an owner registered mortgage certificate.

Do you have questions about electronic mortgage certificates?

Contact our Section for support to the Electronic mortgage certificate system (Kreditmarknadsservice) by e-mail or call +46 (0) 26-63 48 00.

Opening hours: Weekdays 9am to noon and 1 pm to 4 pm. During holiday season opening hours may vary.

If your question applies to a specific property remember to enclose the official property designation including the municipality (for example Gävle Torp 1:1).

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