Preventing the Publication of registration of ownership Information

Information about property owners is normally public and is included, among other places, in the property Price Registry. The registry is often used by newspapers, which may publish this information. You can apply to prevent publication by requesting confidentiality before applying for a deed. You can also contact the editorial office of the newspaper.

Protected personal data are not public

Information about new deeds is recorded in the registration part of the Land Register. Information about property owners is normally public and included, among other places, in the Property Price Registry, the product that newspapers often use.

Information that can identify individuals with protected identities in the population register is not public. Such information is replaced in the Land Register with the text "Protected personal data."

When provided from the Property Price Registry, information that can identify individuals with protected identities is not provided; however, other information is provided.

If you do not want the information to appear in the Property Price Registry

If you do not want the registration of ownership information to be included in the Property Price Registry at all, and not published anywhere, you need to submit a special request before applying for a registration of ownership.

Request confidentiality before applying for a registration of ownership

For Lantmäteriet to be able to prevent the publication of registration of ownership information, it is required that the applicant or someone close to the applicant suffers harm through publication.

The application must be submitted before applying for a registration of ownership.

It should include:

  • property designation
  • your personal identification number
  • the date you will apply for a registration of ownership
  • a clear explanation of why you do not want the information to be published, and what risk (for example, threats or violence) it would pose to you or someone close to you.

If you have a police report, a judgment, a certificate, an investigation, or similar documentation, you can include a copy of it.

The application is sent to:

801 82 Gävle

The application will be processed by a lawyer at Lantmäteriet.

Contact the newspaper

If you do not submit a request for confidentiality, or if Lantmäteriet does not grant your request, you can contact the newspaper yourself and ask them not to publish the information. It is up to the editorial board of the newspaper to decide whether to publish it.

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