
A usufruct is when an individual, a company or a municipality has the right to use someone´s property in a certain way, for example by using the residence, an area of the property or through a leasehold.

A usufruct is legally binding for a maximum of 25 years within detailed development planned areas and 50 years in other areas. A usufruct is created by a contract with the property owner. How contracts are concluded and the specific conditions for the contract are stated by law (Swedish Land code Chapters 7-15).

Leasehold and rent

Leasehold and rent is a specific form of usufruct contract. Leasehold contracts can be registered in the Land register if the contract does not state otherwise. There are different types of leaseholds: agricultural lease, residential ground lease, commercial ground lease and ground lease in general. You apply for registration of leasehold in the same way as for usufruct.

We need to know if there are usufructs

When we do a cadastral procedure, we need to know if there are usufructs connected to the properties that the procedure entails. The reason is that decisions in the procedure may affect the rights of the one who has the usufruct.

Which usufructs are connected to my property?

In the e-service Min fastighet (my property) you can find out if there are any rights connected to your property.

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