National information architecture framework

To achieve a uniform and efficient exchange of information, an information architecture framework has been developed. All actors should read and be aware of this framework, but the primary target group is producers and system vendors.


An introduction to the information architecture framework and the basic principles it contains. The purpose of the principles is to achieve a common understanding of what is important and why something has been designed as it has been designed.

The principles can also be used when an issue arises where there are no guidelines for solution.

National information architecture framework 1.0 (in Swedish, pdf, new window)

Resource Models

A resource model is an information model that acts as a common resource for other information models. It describes general and common information used in the various application-specific information models.

The purpose is reuse and to handle information in a uniform way, regardless of information area.

Resource models are described in their own specifications that are part of the national information architecture framework.

Valid resource models:

Test versions:

Older versions:

Modeling and Specifications

The information architecture framework contains rules and guidelines regarding modeling and specifications. The purpose is to create uniformity, independent of information area and actor. This concerns information modeling, concept modeling, notation to be used, how it is to be applied, how specifications are to be written and designed, etcetera.

Decision-making process

Specification for information and data product specifications describes a decision-making process containing requirements that a specification must meet to be approved.

Templates for decision basis:

Delivery to the National Geodata Platform

Specification for delivery to the National Geodata Platform describes how the producer technically make their information available.

Specification for delivery to the National Geodata Platform 1.2 (in Swedish, pdf, new window)

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