Land Regulation Download, vector

The product contains plans and regulations on land use from the Register Map and information text. In addition, the product contains ancient monuments and other cultural-historical remains from the National Heritage Board as well as texts for monuments and remains. The product name in Swedish is Markreglerande bestämmelse Nedladdning, vektor.

About this product

The vector product contains plans and regulations as well as cultural historical monuments and remains.

Land regulation Download, vector can be combined with other vector products, such as Topography 10 Download, vector and Cadastral Parcels Download, vector. The vector format allows you to customize the map to your own business.

You can:

  • create an overview of plans and land regulations in relation to cadastral parcels
  • add and link your own information to objects in the map
  • integrate the map information into your own system
  • combine with information from the Real Property Register, for example more information about plan regulations.
  • connect to the Swedish National Heritage Board Fornsök for the monuments and remains information
  • show or hide information using the layering

Geographical selection: Index tiles (5 x 5 km), any polygon, municipality, county, Sweden
Delivery formats: GeoPackage
Coordinate systems: SWEREF 99 TM (EPSG:3006), SWEREF 99 local zones (EPSG:3007-3018).

Maintenance and update frequency

A state or municipal land surveying authority must register all legally binding regulations. The goal is for the information in the property register to be up-to-date and complete. For more information read the product documentation.

Pre-produced data

Some deliveries of geodata are done from a pre-produced layer that is updated once a week. This applies to deliveries of county, municipal and national selections. When county and national selections are delivered in the coordinate system SWEREF 99 TM or when the municipal selections are delivered in local SWEREF systems, the data is collected from the pre-produced layer. All other deliveries are done from data sources updated once a day.

Are you involved in geodata collaboration?

Subscribe to pre-produced data via Geotorget.


For a deeper description of the content, see the product description (pdf, new window).

For Lantmäteriet´s proposed layout the following files can be used:

The information layers contain areas for plans and regulations. Lines for regulation boundaries and line objects for regulations. Point objects for the surfaces' ID points and point reprecented regulations as well as information text. Remains and monuments are reported with area, line and point as well as text point for name or information text for the remains.

Demo data

To be able to test the data you must have access to an appropriate application, for example ArcGIS or QGIS.

On the page Demo data there are two areas. One city area in Gothenburg, called Majorna and one forest environment area alongside a stream called Emån.

Order product

You can order geodata products directly from us or from one of our retailers. 

Order from Lantmäteriet

If you want to order directly from us at Lantmäteriet, you use the e-service, Geotorget.

Order from resellers

If you need help with ordering our geodata products or get a customized solution for your business, you can contact one of our resellers.

Copyright and publication

Read more about what applies when you want to publish the Land Survey's maps, aerial photographs and other geographical information.

Contents of this page may be automatically translated, we take no responsibility for the accuracy of the translation. Feel free to contact our customer support centre if you have any questions.

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