Hydrography Download Service

The product contains hydrographic objects with additional information covering entire Sweden as well as a geometrical and a logical network. The information in the product meets the requirements for INSPIREs dataspecification for hydrography and the Swedish water standard SS637008:2015. The product name in Swedish is Hydrografi Nedladdning.

About this product

The product contains hydrographic objects with additional information covering entire Sweden as well as a geometrical and a logical network. Where main drainage basins extend across national boundaries, information with limited cross-border content is included. The information in the product meets the requirements for INSPIREs dataspecification for hydrography and the Swedish water standard SS637008:2015.

Important to know

Consider the following before ordering the product:

  • To use this product, you need to pay a fee and sign a license agreement with terms for usage.
  • This product provides access to information that you order, download and store yourself.
  • You need a system or an application to use this product. It has an application programming interface (API) and cannot be used directly in an Internet browser.
  • The technical solution of this download product consists of an atom feed. Different kinds of clients can read the feed. Web browsers can generally not read the feed without some kind of plug-in installed.

Maintenance and update frequency

The product is updated once every year.


The documentation for Hydrography Download Service in Dokumentation geodataprodukter (in Swedish, new window).

Services that meet the INSPIRE specifications are available free of charge on www.geodata.se/geodataportalen (new window). There you can also find detailed information about the services. On the INSPIRE website (new window), you can read the implementing rules that form the basis for our INSPIRE services.

Demo data

Download the desired demo files directly from the product links on this page or go to bundled demo data (new window) alternatively collected demo data on the FTP site (new window).

Testdataområde Emån

The demo file below contains compressed gml files with:

  • physical water according to Inspire
  • physical water according to Swedish water standard
  • geometric network according to Inspire
  • logical network according to Swedish water standard.

Download the demo file (zip, 53,8 MB).

Order product

You can order geodata products directly from us or from one of our resellers.

Order from Lantmäteriet

If you want to order directly from us at Lantmäteriet you should use the Order form.

To use our geodata products, you need a license for use.

In the order form, you can both order geodata products and apply for a license agreement.

Order from resellers

If you need help with ordering our geodata products or get a customized solution for your business, you can contact one of our geodata resellers.

Copyright and publication

Read more about what applies when you want to publish the Land Survey's maps, aerial photographs and other geographical information.

Contents of this page may be automatically translated, we take no responsibility for the accuracy of the translation. Feel free to contact our customer support centre if you have any questions.

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