E-services for companies

Some of our e-services for professional users require login. You will find information on how to apply for a user account in the links for each service.

Real estate and land

Apply for legal registration and mortgage

In the service you can apply for a mortgage, title deed and leasehold right when you have bought, received, inherited or shared a property.

If you are an agent who has been appointed by a private person to handle their case, you can log in with your personal e-identification. and handle the case through it.

Apply with e-identification

In the service, you who have valid e-identification can log in to our system to apply for legal registration, land tenure and mortgage. To apply, you need to have gift, inheritance or purchase documents available. Note: No paper original must be sent by post if you use the e-service.

Apply with Login

If you are a professional submitters who are under supervision by the Swedish Estate Agents Inspectorate, the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority or the Swedish Bar Association, you can sign an agreement to obtain login information.

In the service, you can then apply for title deeds, leasehold and mortgage.

To sign an agreement and get login information for the service, you need to contact us by phone 0771-63 63 63 or email fastighetsinskrivning.avtal@lm.se.

Pledge System

Pledge system consists of a processing system and a mortgage deed register. The system simplifies the loan process and increases security, but can also be used to digitize written mortgage deeds.

Read more about mortgage deed.

Surveying services - follow ongoing cases

In the e-service for surveying services, you can follow your ongoing surveying operations from start to finish.

The service is available both to you as an individual or as a representative of an organization, a municipality or a company.

Read more about the e-service for land surveying procedures.

Change information in the Community Association Register (SFR)

In the e-service, you can apply to change:

  • the association's postal address and contact information
  • information on the composition of the board
  • information on signatories.

Take part of:


Find main point 

Find main point is an e-service where you can extract point descriptions as well as height and coordinate lists for points in the national geodetic national networks. No login required.

Read more about Find main point.

The Geodata portal

The geodata portal is a national entrance where you can search, find and find in a simple and comprehensive way geodata and services that you access via the portal are stored at each producer.

The geodata portal gives you the opportunity to:

  • search and find geographical data sources
  • look at the data and maps you found
  • view details of all detected data sources and information on how to access them.

Go to The geodata portal (new window).

Read more about the Geodata portal.


The satellite database Saccess contains satellite images of Sweden that cover every decade from the 1970s onwards.

Read more about Saccess.


In GeoLex you can search for information on aerial images and orthophotos. Index boxes and sheet layout can also be displayed either in the SWEREF 99 TM coordinate system or in RT90. No login required.

Other information, such as plans and outcomes, is presented on the product pages.

Maps, aerial photos and places


Contract service for you who need business maps / documents and historical maps in your work. The service requires login and password.

In ArchiveSearch you get direct access to all historical maps, administrative documents and plans and regulations that are stored in the Ark.

Read more about the archives included in ArkivSök.

Sign an agreement

To sign an agreement, select one of the following options:

Questions about agreements and terms can be asked to: geodatasupport@lm.se.

ArkivSök / Akt Direkt is part of Geodatasamverkan

For those who are interested in joining geodatasamverkan or want to know more about what it means to participate there is more information on the page Geodata Collaboration Agreement.

File format in ArchiveSearch

You can choose to open files from ArchiveSearch as pdf or DjVu.

Geo school

A digital learning environment for primary and secondary school that provides the opportunity to visualize and analyze nature and society with the help of geographical information.

Here teachers get access to a free teaching support that can be used in most subjects.

Read more about the service and the Geo School.

Improve the map

Have you discovered an error in our maps?

We would like you to help us improve the map, so get in touch with us and describe the error, using our map support.

Read more about the Improve the map e-service.

Permit for dissemination of geographical data

In order not to accidentally spread material such as images or videos with sensitive information, you need to apply for a distribution permit. The distribution permit is free of charge.

Read more about permit for dissemination of geographical data.

For retailers

Calculate fee and order and report geodata

In the Price Calculator you can calculate fees for the products you wish to order.In the Ordering System, you as a reseller can place your own orders and report the use of sold licenses.The services require you to log in.

Select one of the following options:

Read more about the reseller service.


Antura is used in collaboration with external partners as a support for document management.

If you have questions about Antura, you are welcome to contact projektkontoret@lm.se.


The application LINA ( Lantmäteriet si nsamlingsapplikation) is used by Swedish municipalities, to register information in the property and apartment register.

The information concerns buildings, addresses and apartments.

Read more about the LINA e-service.

Contents of this page may be automatically translated, we take no responsibility for the accuracy of the translation. Feel free to contact our customer support centre if you have any questions.

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