Secure landmarks

Lantmäteriet offers assignments to authorities and municipalities as support and to simplify and streamline public property-related activities. The assignment Safe border marks is aimed at authorities and municipalities that need current and location-specific information about border markings within a defined area or section.

Whoever orders the assignment Secure landmarks must come in with their order in good time before the earthwork begins. There is no requirement when an assignment must be ordered in time, but the earlier in the process the better foresight and planning ability we can have in the assignment.

When the assignment is to be carried out in time, it takes place in consultation and agreement with the client.

The assignment includes that Lantmäteriet through investigation, field inventory, and with a quality-determined measurement documents the status and scope of the legally applicable boundary marks.

The documentation forms a good basis for securing which boundary marks are at risk of being affected by, for example, earthworks, transport or other measures. The assignment is delivered as a report with map material and technical description including digital vector data.

Before you fill in the order form

Below you will find information that is good to read before you start the form. For other questions, contact Lantmäteriet 's customer center. The form is in Swedish only.

Assignment costs - invoicing

Lantmäteriet's costs for carrying out the assignment are charged according to a specific cost and time required as well as for the additional costs or additions required for the assignment to be carried out.

Assignment delivery

When the assignment is completed, documents are compiled into an assignment report for A copy of documentation is provided to the person who ordered the assignment.

Authorized client

The person applying for an assignment normally has the right to sign an agreement or order an assignment through their position. Lantmäteriet may, if there is uncertainty, request documents that prove the person's authority to order assignments.


If the assignment client is represented by an agent, it must The person can prove his or her competence by submitting a power of attorney, a power of attorney (certified copy) must be attached to the order. Certify the document by clicking on the copied one note the paper: "Copy corresponds to original", date, signature, name clarification and a contact information, e.g. phone or email.

Note that the form is reset after 20 minutes of inactivity.

Beställ uppdrag – Säkra gränsmärken

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När Lantmäteriet samlar in personuppgifter ska myndigheten lämna information om den behandling av personuppgifter som görs. Informationen går att hitta på webbplatsen eller genom att kontakta Kundcenter på telefonnummer 0771‑63 63 63.

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