Operational information

Current operating information about Lantmäteriet's IT services is shown here. A few times a year, we carry out maintenance of our IT services that require the services to be shut down or limited. If an IT service needs to be shut down for service, in addition to our planned service windows, the interruption always takes place outside the agreed opening hours.

Ongoing interruptions

Start time Interruption
2024-06-05, 14.00

In the e-service Historical maps, it is only possible to see maps and files for the years 1628-1873.

2024-05-24, 11.50

The e-service ArkivSök is closed for external users.

Restrictions on retrieving files for external users via the services FR Web, Akt Direkt, Min fastighet (My property) and Trossen.

Contact Customer center for disclosure of public documents.

Ended interruptions 

Start time Stop time Interruption

2025-03-04, 18.00

2025-03-04, 19.00

The maintenance of our webforms to get in contact with us is completed, which means that it's now possible to contact us via the forms again.

Planned interruptions for Service Windows


  • Februari 23
  • May 25
  • September 28
  • November 30

A couple of times each year we perform maintenance about our IT services requiring the services to be closed down or limited. Due to the increased digitalisation, Lantmäteriet has a stated ambition to make these interruptions as short as possible, and in the future, when the technology allows, to eliminate the need of Service Windows. 

Service windows are planned at least 12 months in advance. Services with 24-7 availability requirements and e-mail will be fully functional during the Service Window. The Service window begins at 03:00 a.m. and ends at 06:00 p.m.