About the site

Our website, www.lantmateriet.se, is target group-oriented and user-friendly. It is built with modern technology and adapts the look to your screen size.

Availability at our website

You should be able to use Lantmäteriet 's website in a good way, regardless of which functional variation you have or which technology you use. We are constantly working to increase the availability of our website to live up to the legal requirement.

We report our shortcomings in digital accessibility for our website and digital services. If something does not work or if you have views on the website's accessibility, we appreciate that you get in touch and tell us. This is important information in our work to improve accessibility.

Read about our shortcomings in digital accessibility.

Use of the website


Some parts of the website require your browser to allow the storage of cookies (cookies) on your computer. stored on your computer and not on this site.

Read more about cookies and how they are used on our website.

Do not provide any personal information in the free-text field

In order for Lantmäteriet to be able to respond to a general inquiry, you only need to provide your email address or phone number - so do not provide any other personal information in the free-text field. If we need more information to be able to answer your question, we will ask you for it.

All information you email to us is considered public documents and may be disclosed if requested.

My pages and our e-services

Via My pages  you can access information about your properties and go directly to our e-services to make an application or sign and complete ongoing cases.

My pages.

You finds all our e-services via Self-service, which addresses both private individuals and entrepreneurs. There you will also find our e-services that are under development and our forms.



Common to add-ons, also called plug-ins, is that they sometimes need to be updated. the program itself when it's time to update your version. Sometimes you have to update the software yourself.

Adobe Reader

On Mac and PC, the PDF format is the type of document we use by default when ordinary web pages are not used on lantmateriet.se. To open PDF files, the Adobe Reader software is required.

Download Adobe Reader at Adobe's website (new window).

Java Virtual Machine

Some of the e-services require that you have Java Virtual Machine (JVM) installed on your computer, with the help of JVM your computer can run small applications, so-called applets.

Download JVM at Java's website (new window).


Some of our e-services use DjVu as image display software. The image format allows you to see scanned high-resolution maps.


Open different types of links.

Do you have technical problems?

Get answers to technical questions related to operations or our e-services and website.

Lantmäteriet 's processing of personal data

Lantmäteriet processes data about private individuals.

Read about what a personal data is, how Lantmäteriet processes personal data and what rights you have.

Do you have comments or questions regarding the website?

If you have comments regarding the website, you are welcome to contact webbredaktionen@lm.se.

If you have other questions or comments on our e-services? Contact our Customer Center.

Contents of this page may be automatically translated, we take no responsibility for the accuracy of the translation. Feel free to contact our customer support centre if you have any questions.

Read more about our website